Friday, September 19, 2014

Energy and Flow

If I can say I learned anything in September 2014 it is fully understanding that there may be setbacks but if you really put your mind and goals on positive things life is just.....easier.  I have heard the phrase let go and let God many times in my life but how many of us actually put this into practice? The art of letting go has me almost a month into a low-carb diet seeing great results!  Letting go has led me to having more positives days and interactions with my partner and overall I just look and feel better!  I can focus more on things that I need and want to do.

Do not be mislead, this is not a magic wand, you cannot wave around positive vibes and all will be well, but it really is not about what happens to us, it is about how we react to those negative things when they happen.  I truly feel like the tide has turned on my life lately because I am doing the work.  I have noticed that I have been holding on to a lot of baggage and negativity.  I have been holding on to bad habits keeping me from looking and feeling my best.

I would tell any of you if you are feeling down right now or things do not seem to be the way you want them to be then pay attention to YOU, not who did you wrong, who is harming you, who is taking away from you, focus on yourself.  The things and people you put energy towards, is it positive, is it healthy?  Finally decide you want to CHANGE, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity and many of us are living a life that is insane.  When I looked at myself I notice that even though I complained about how others treated me I wasn't showing others what love is.  Love is forgiving love is not holding grudges. And after you let go of all that negative feeling of who did you wrong if you feel you need to let them go as well then do that.  But first figure you out, how can we expect people to treat us so well when we won't even take the time to look at the poison we put in our bodies, or go to the doctor when we feel sick?

I am still on this journey but I promise you if you just tune everyone out and get in tune with yourself you will notice that every interaction you do have with others will just seem a little better, will have a bit more purpose.  You will no longer just be going through the motions, you will be living. Seriously you will wake up and realize I am LIVING life not just alive. Be well, be loved.


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